Eduvantage Pvt. Ltd. - Grievance Redressal Policy

1. Introduction

A grievance refers to any complaint, concern, or dissatisfaction regarding the services, conduct, policies, or any other matter related to Eduvantage Pvt. Ltd. We are committed to a fair, transparent, and accessible grievance redressal mechanism. Our policy ensures that concerns are addressed promptly and equitably, without discrimination based on caste, creed, gender, disability, or any other factor.

This Grievance Redressal Policy provides a structured approach to addressing grievances raised by clients, employees, and other stakeholders, reinforcing our commitment to transparency, fairness, and accountability.

2. Principles of Grievance Redressal

  • Transparency – Clear guidelines on grievance submission and resolution.
  • Accessibility – Multiple channels for lodging complaints without undue formalities.
  • Efficiency – Defined turnaround time (TAT) for resolution.
  • Consistency – Uniform handling of grievances with fair resolutions.

3. Scope & Applicability

This policy applies to all external stakeholders (clients, partners, and assessors) and internal stakeholders (employees) associated with Eduvantage Pvt. Ltd.

4. Grievance Registration Process

Stakeholders can submit grievances through the following channels:

  • Email:
  • In-Person: Register complaints at Eduvantage’s corporate office.
  • Grievance Helpline: Details provided as per specific cases.

Employees may directly approach senior management to share concerns or seek resolution without hierarchical restrictions.

5. Grievance Redressal Mechanism

  1. Submission of Grievance: The grievance must be submitted in writing via email at or through the official grievance portal on the Eduvantage website. The complaint should include relevant details such as name, contact information, nature of grievance, and supporting documents (if any).
  2. Acknowledgment: An acknowledgment email will be sent within 48 hours of receiving the grievance, along with a unique grievance reference number.
  3. Investigation: The grievance will be reviewed by the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC), and the process shall be completed within 7 working days.
  4. Resolution: Appropriate corrective actions will be taken, and the complainant will be informed of the resolution within 10 working days. If unresolved, the grievance may be escalated.

6. Escalation Mechanism

If a grievance remains unresolved, it may be escalated to higher levels:

6.1 Level 1: Senior Grievance Officer

If unresolved within 15 days, the complaint is escalated to the Senior Grievance Redressal Officer (Senior GRO):

  • For Placements & Apprenticeships

6.2 Level 2: Final Escalation to Eduvantage’s Head

If unresolved beyond 20 days, the matter can be escalated to the Eduvantage’s Head:

7. Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) Members

Name Email ID Contact Details Role TAT (Working Days)
Pradeep Kumar 8800110434 Grievance Officer (For Assessments) 3 days
Himanshu Singh 9205032640 Grievance Officer (For Placements & Apprenticeships) 3 days
Shilpi Ahuja 9910695194 Senior Grievance Officer (For Placements & Apprenticeships) 7 days
Inder Yadav 9716739943 Senior Grievance Officer (For Assessments) 7 days
Neelmani Kumar 7042639965 Final Decision 21 days

8. Policy Review & Updates

This policy is subject to periodic revision based on internal evaluations, stakeholder feedback, and regulatory requirements.

9. Confidentiality & Non-Retaliation

Eduvantage ensures confidentiality in handling grievances and prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who file a grievance in good faith.

10. Review & Amendments

This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure effectiveness and compliance with applicable laws and best practices.

11. Contact Information

For any grievances or assistance, please contact:

  • Email:
  • Helpline: 01169312165
  • Website:
  • Address: Eduvantage Pvt. Ltd., 1020-1023, 10th Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019